News UPDATE ( For Indonesian Language )

Dapatkan Beasiswa Sekolah PIlot Dari Batavia Air Visit # Departemen kebudayaan dan pariwisata indonesia akan memberikan award bagi bandara yang memiliki Toilet terbaik # Mandala Air berlakukan harga promo untuk penerbangan hari selasa dan sabtu # Dua pesawat maintenance, Rute dari dan ke Berau laris manis # Pesawat komuter milik Colgan Air yang jatuh Kamis (12/2) malam di Clarence, Buffalo, negara bagian New York menabrak sebuah rumah dan terbakar #

Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Flood At Temindung Airport

Rain caused flooding and river overflow Karangmumus create Temindung Airport, Samarinda, East Kalimantan closed. It is two days by plane Trigana Air ATR-42 PK-YRE can not operate in the Temindung Airport in Samarinda caused flood that never subside, Floods in Samarinda indeed can not be separated by the airport. At least, for the last two months, Temindung Airport 2 times already submerged.

Cause Part of temindung airport stagnant water, a number of flights from the airport and had to be diverted Temindung to Sepinggan Airport Balikpapan. Flight Canceled is not caused because the airport is closed.

Movement of departure and arrival aircraft, from temindung airport to sepinggan airport is an initiative of airline companies themselves. "In fact, although the flooding, the airport fixed in the open. However, because airlines have other considerations, so all flight canceled.

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